
Oregon Headquartered

Teach1Serve10 is a community-based partnership between the Compassion Center and the Integrative Providers Association (IPA) that combines local healthcare, legal, career and food security resources into one event that empowers underserved communities with the compassion and resources that they need, all the while converting annual CME education into positive measurable change for the providers, a real win-win-win for all those involved!


The Teach1Serve10 Free Clinics were born from necessity and a core desire to positively and permanently impact society for the better. Many years in the making, T1S10 takes a stronger path to teaching solutions that lead to a more inclusive tomorrow. Taking the best in class for face value, and first-hand experience in healthcare, clinical and patient education soar to new heights, all in an effort to advance all of those who seek a higher pathway.

Contact T1S10 and the Thought-Leadership is managed by the Compassion Center, a 501(c)(3) public charity medical clinic management services organization dedicated to advancing professional education, patient advocacy and healthcare innovations that empower and serve categorically complex, terminally ill and/or underserved patient populations with improved, affordable access to care.

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